“I’ll support and guide you to make the best nutrition and being-well decisions to achieve hormonal balance and iron clad gut health.”

About Me

“I am a Nutrition and Being-Well Coach. My training is from IIN in NYC in Holisitc Health Counselling. I started my private practice in 2017 and as I gained clientele, I wanted to delve deeper in to the root causes of bad health whilst helping women reach their weight loss goals.

I earned 3 more certifications from IIN in Gut Health, Hormone Health and then later one in The Psychology of Food.

Simple. Solid. Straightforward.
One -to-one health coaching no matter where you are


“Good health practices are contagious.”


All 3 courses have equipped me in making our sessions together collaborative, focused, intense and honest leading to those much needed “A-HA!” moments.

This is what empowers you to change your lifestyle; which includes nutrition advice for your changing body and being-well practices that you might have thought too difficult to incorporate before.

Be around plants daily…or as much as possible.

Clutter is distraction. Being-Well means to let go of things, people, habits that keep you stuck and unfocused.

Clutter is distraction. Being-Well means to let go of things, people, habits that keep you stuck and unfocused.

Nutrition and Being-Well 101

Yes, I’m a Holisitc Health Coach. But over the last 7-8 years of counselling ladies ( and a few lads), I realised that food and lifestyle can either be your medicine or your poison.

Food does a lot more than meets the eye. It’s more than pleasure to your senses. That is to say that in modern times, a meal takes on more roles than it did with our hearty hunting ancestors.

I’ve evolved in to a Nutrition and Being-Well coach. The last term I coined because the common denominator amongst my clients success was the need to look inwards instead of outwards in this distraction filled world. I found that focusing on functional practices led my clients to make sustainable choices for themselves. I still use the principles of holisitc health where physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual practices all count as nutrition. I support the lifestyle mindset, attitude, beliefs and actions it takes to Be-Well! Challenges and change drive your evolution as you age.

Well-Being vs. Being-Well

What’s the difference? Let’s explore!

Neither are bad. Both are good.

Well-being are practices to enhance self-love, and self worth. It’s you seen by you.

Being-Well is engaging practices to not only enhance self love but extends beyond you too. It’s those decisions that affects you and others. It’s your agency to make positive change for yourself and the planet. Being well is eating with intention using foods that will be for you and the person who grew it, and thought about not harming the planet to make a profit. It’s about buying with intention and consciousness. It’s about not living with greed as the driving force. It’s about pausing before spending, pausing before speaking, pausing before taking decisions and asking if I benefit, who else benefits? Being-Well is being unselfish and not impulsive. It’s patience. It’s consistence.

You know what I mean…Be-Green.

10 minutes free-call via WhatsApp.

You have nothing to lose. Call me and we can see if I’m the right coach for you.


Get coached session by session:
USD 99.

Or buy the Open coaching and Communication package with me for

USD 499: which includes 4 weekly one on one online sessions.
Texting and email communication. Duration one month.

2,394 Ratings
Google Reviews

Coaching Primarily Women ages 30-65.

Alizeh. K. Housewife

I had PCOS. I was addicted to sugar and noticed I had gained a significant amount of weight over the course of a year. I realised I had to do something NOW! A friend recommended Sonia Salim and told me she was a health coach rather than a nutritionist. Her plans and the factual information she told me about PCOS opened my eyes about the adverse affects of added sugar in overall health. I started to see cookies and brownies differently and completely unnecessary as an everyday treat. The whole foods I was assigned on the easy to follow plans kept me full and satisfied and eventually regulated my monthly cycle. Her complimentary food diary forced me to note down my feelings about the foods I was addicted to and forced me to confront hidden feelings.

Change Your Life

Start Your Journey of Happiness and Health Today!

Pass the yogurt: can probiotics help negate the toxicity of plastic in our stomachs?

Research suggests bacteria in fermented foods may ameliorate some inflammation that microplastics promote in our system.
Click to Read More

Healthy Eating for Healthy Life

Learn to make Anti-inflammatory Turmeric-oat and seed granola from the E-Recipe book. Add it to Greek yogurt, and a side of fresh anti-oxidant blueberries. Fancy a banana with it too? Start your day powerful.

Physical Health

Walk, run, gym play, is nutrition for the brain as well as your organs, hair, and skin. It’s like recycling and renewing your body everyday!

Are pizza and pasta being-well, nutritious dishes?​

The whole world is saying it. “Food is medicine.” Primarily plant foods.

Fancy a collagen rich garlic latte?

Being- Well means indulging in delicious desserts when the occasion calls for it. Don’t eat sugar out of impulse or stress. It won’t make your problem’s disappear.

Health coaching empowers you to change your lifestyle; which includes nutrition advice for your changing body and being-well practices that you might have thought too difficult to incorporate before.

Aging-well; LOVE! Social connection and Friends.
Being-Well: Be Curious.
What makes coffee good for you ?

Health coaching is for you if:

You’re looking for support to make lasting lifestyle changes that can lead to:
  1. Weight-loss and or management. 
  2. Balanced hormones.
  3. A healthy gut microbiome.
  4. Looking for guidance during peri-menopause and menopause. 
  5. Want to eat nutrient-dense foods.

Health Coaching is NOT for you if:

You’re looking for:
  1. Therapy
  2. Fad diets 
  3. Interpretation of lab results 
  4. Writing prescriptions for medicines 
  5. Bulking or Shredding 
  6. Calorie counting

The coaching sessions are client led. You do the talking, I do the listening and offer support. Our relationship is collaborative. The dietary guidelines I advise to you during our online sessions, are individual based, according to your needs and goals. They serve as a guideline for you to follow to achieve your goals.

E-Recipes are available in the online book and is downloadable.

Email access for questions before or during our sessions: thefoodpharmacyapp@gmail.com or info@thefoodpharmacy.pk

The program fee for single or multiple sessions is not-refundable.

Unforeseen Circumstances; if you have to postpone a session because of travel, or illness, or a genuinely traumatic experience you can postpone a session for that duration and come back to the program as soon as you’re available. You must inform me via email ASAP.

However if you don’t get back in touch for more than 4 weeks from date of postponement, your payment/program is considered expired.

Start Counselling Today !

Deposit/Transfer your fee as per the selected counselling in any of the bank accounts and share your receipt with me via WhatsApp or email. Please ask for the bank account details.

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Is there such a thing as super-food?

Dear Reader,
You will have noticed that I haven’t put many pictures of fruit and vegetables on my website. Albeit: I’ve pictures up of delicious desserts and flamboyant, fancy coffee!

Depending on the occasion, they all are superfoods! Fruit and veggies, cake and coffee. Super food can be subjective.

Yes. Of course wellness and well-being are all about eating whole foods first. The primary sources of nutrition that are always superfoods are those grown in the sun, soil and on trees; that have been made with the help of birds, butterflies and bees.

If you sign-up for coaching sessions for any of of the problems mentioned on the mind-map, natural superfoods are what you will be eating.
No doubt.

However food is medicine. The poison is in the dose. And we are more than just a body. Coaching through a Being-Well lens means knowing when to have your cake guilt-free, because I know how hard it is to make switches in your diet when you eat for health’s sake. Giving up on your daily biscuit at tea time can be depressing. It weighs on your mental health. It can even lead to a tantrum.

If you learn not to gratify your desires instantly, and know the occasions of when you can have creamy, dreamy pudding, then temptations won’t govern your mind. Our sessions together will help train your mind to be patient by recognising your triggers and eat with intention to heal.

Make sense?
Call now for your free 10 mins coaching session with me.
Sonia Salim.